All my previous attempts at blogging since '01 till '05 have failed due to the lack of interest in blogging, resulting in infrequent posts. I suppose this will be my final go at it. Wish me luck.

051188; ; #7 & #24; Teenager 17; Female; Singaporean ; Student ; Rafflesian; Ex thirteener; Tripper; Enjoys Football, Web Design; Untalkative not quiet; Supports Manchester United and the Lions; Almost always busy;

Team/ Club: Manchester United
Started Supporting: Since young, early 90s around the age of 5
Heroes no longer at club: Irwin, Sheringham, Yorke, King Cantona, Schmeichel, Jaap, KEANO
Heroes still there: Giggs, Scholes, Solskjaer
Admired: Argentina [Riquelme, Aimar, Saviola, MESSI!]


:: 1S03E
:: 25ths
:: 413
:: Io'ren
:: Soccer

:: Alittleflick
:: Amos
:: Benny
:: Boredphuckers
:: Cedric
:: Chinghui
:: Chorkiang
:: Choryen
:: Darren
:: Debbie
:: Denise
:: Elly and Zit
:: Eunice
:: Faith
:: Gina
:: Jloh
:: Joshua
:: Justin Lin
:: Justin Chiam
:: Kaishi
:: Kangya
:: Kayleigh
:: Kenny
:: Kenneth
:: Lionel
:: Matthew
:: Puisan
:: Qixian
:: SamJo
:: Taoni
:: Team-B
:: Team-X
:: Tsai
:: Wenyi
:: Xin Ling
:: Xinyi
:: Ying Hui
:: Zed

:: Focus & Determination
:: Laptop
:: External Hard Drive
:: Turf boots
:: Premiership 05/06
:: FA Cup 05/06
:: League Cup 05/06
:: Champions League 05/06
:: CHELSEA TO DIE forever

E-mail: hiddencolours @
MSN: hiddencolours @
Friendster: hiddencolours @
nepharion at

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Draw A House

Based on the drawing and the 10 answers they gave this is a summary of their personality:
Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. son. When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be. You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.

The analysis is crap, but the fun part is drawing the house. (mine's not very creative I guess but never mind.) I made this street called Livehere (to persuade you to live there) and you can go draw your own house and add on to the street by clicking on this link :D

Monday, January 23, 2006

Taiwan Exam

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

do you know what is orz?

gnat * Xenios says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

it came out in Taiwan exam

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

asking the meaning of orz

gnat * Xenios says:

whats it

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

try to picture a person kneeling

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

o is the head

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

r is hand on the ground

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

and z is the knee

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

means cannot stand it

gnat * Xenios says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

I'll fail Taiwan exam like that

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

a lot of students protesting now

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

saying that such question is unfair

gnat * Xenios says:

its damns tupid la

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

I think it's damn smart

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

don't you think it requires utmost intelligence to come up with something like that?

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


gnat * Xenios says:


gnat * Xenios says:


gnat * Xenios says:

ok what's this

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


gnat * Xenios says:

the persons left half of the body is amputated

gnat * Xenios says:

so only got limbs on one side

gnat * Xenios says:

if you look closely o is the head

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

I get the point

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

so oLL

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:


gnat * Xenios says:


gnat * Xenios says:

no left, means all right (:

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

did you come up with that?

Taiwanese must be KIDding... says:

or is it around already?

gnat * Xenios says:

yes i came up with it and it requires utmost intelligence to come up with something like that

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Long Overdue post

Ok, so I haven't blogged in quite some time, and this blog's nearly dead.

1. I was really busy with orientation
2. I was on a 1k/s in Australia while on holiday
3. I was really busy again when school started
4. I'm still busy studying for bio test + a lot of undone stuff ):
5. I had no mood to blog
6. It's troublesome to log into blogger just to type something like that.

Significant events while I haven't been blogging:
1. Orientation Dry runs 1/2
2. Trip to Melbourne
3. Actual Orientation
4. Loads of school stuff
5. Some soccer stuff
6. Peter crouch scoring
7. Manchester United doing I don't know what.
8. Orientation group and their outings
9. Started watching/reading naruto
10. Got my brother/sister started on reading/watching Naruto
11. Borrowed DDR mat from kengwee to play

Summary of Orientation Z'kardia 06
happened quite some time ago, I guess it's not too late to blog about it. Was initially really scared, not sure if my orientation group would work out or not - especially when I've been hearing a lot of stuff from others about how it seemed difficult to handle. I think Xenios turned out fine in the end. It was a very diverse group of people though - but at the very least they stuck together throughout orientation and that's cool.

Day 1
Icebreakers + Station games. Had to be stationmaster so couldn't hangout with my og. But it's quite fun being station master of the shaving cream game so eh..... :D. Og went home early, felt quite disappointed.

Day 2
Station games. Stationmaster again but this time got cream on me :( Og went to eat at Swensens.

Day 3
External activities. Haha it rained, so we went to play mafia at Monisha's house quite fun :D Stayed back to eat pizza and play taboo.

Day 4
War games + Orientation night. Those slackers went to play pool instead of preparing for Onite. Would have liked to join them, but had to finish writing their cards ): ohwell. Some people got into trouble for war games though, but glad that those in my og steered clear of trouble (:! Gave out og presents + cards at the end, exchanged some hugs and reflections.After Onite they went to cineleisure to play truth or dare. Couldn't join them cos of cleanup.

That's the end of the 4 days. Went out on one outing with them to watch the dark which was a super crappy movie. Then they bought a (super low cut O.o) Zara T-shirt for me which i'm supposed to wear on the next OG outing (if it happens.) They bought wesley and danny sports illustrated calendars ( which is not about sports! O.o)
So I was telling Geraldine and Jonny about Wesley's present and my present..
Me: I got a Zara top which is super low cut and Wesley got a Sports Illustrated Calendar.
Geraldine: Oh? so you would rather have gotten Wesley's present?
Me: Ermm.. no? Sports Illustrated's not about sports!
Jonny: Yeah, she wouldn't want Wesley's present 'cos she's straight
Geraldine: So that means Wesley is gay?
Actually, I still feel like quite a crappy OGL. I remember last year's orientation was cool for me, cos it really made me feel like I was part of RJ, I loved my og. I guess this time it's not the same? I sense that a number of people still don't feel comfortable with the og at all, like they don't feel at home with them... yet I can't seem to do anything about it.

Ok, a lot of school work to catch up on still.

Meanwhile, quote from last year in class:
Ms Soh "I'm teaching this to you as late as possible, closer to exams, hoping that something will be retained"
Class "Mam, we'll be retained!"

Quote while on holiday:
Mum: "Let's bring Nat to see the penguins on Phillip Islands, it's only about 4 hours drive from here"
Brother: "What? mummy, If you want Nat to see penguins I can just go to google and type penguin and click search and I can show her as many penguins as you want"