Long Overdue post
Ok, so I haven't blogged in quite some time, and this blog's nearly dead.Excuses:
1. I was really busy with orientation
2. I was on a 1k/s in Australia while on holiday
3. I was really busy again when school started
4. I'm still busy studying for bio test + a lot of undone stuff ):
5. I had no mood to blog
6. It's troublesome to log into blogger just to type something like that.
Significant events while I haven't been blogging:
1. Orientation Dry runs 1/2
2. Trip to Melbourne
3. Actual Orientation
4. Loads of school stuff
5. Some soccer stuff
6. Peter crouch scoring
7. Manchester United doing I don't know what.
8. Orientation group and their outings
9. Started watching/reading naruto
10. Got my brother/sister started on reading/watching Naruto
11. Borrowed DDR mat from kengwee to play
Summary of Orientation Z'kardia 06

Icebreakers + Station games. Had to be stationmaster so couldn't hangout with my og. But it's quite fun being station master of the shaving cream game so eh..... :D. Og went home early, felt quite disappointed.
Day 2
Station games. Stationmaster again but this time got cream on me :( Og went to eat at Swensens.
Day 3
External activities. Haha it rained, so we went to play mafia at Monisha's house quite fun :D Stayed back to eat pizza and play taboo.
Day 4
War games + Orientation night. Those slackers went to play pool instead of preparing for Onite. Would have liked to join them, but had to finish writing their cards ): ohwell. Some people got into trouble for war games though, but glad that those in my og steered clear of trouble (:! Gave out og presents + cards at the end, exchanged some hugs and reflections.After Onite they went to cineleisure to play truth or dare. Couldn't join them cos of cleanup.

Ok, a lot of school work to catch up on still.
Meanwhile, quote from last year in class:
Ms Soh "I'm teaching this to you as late as possible, closer to exams, hoping that something will be retained"
Class "Mam, we'll be retained!"
Quote while on holiday:
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