Ain't No Sunshine
A capella's the latest cool.
You have to skip to about 1:04 for the real stuff though.
Zidane & Metaphors

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Also, metaphors from essays:
6. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
3. He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.
4. She grew on him like she was a colony of E. coli, and he was room-temperature Canadian beef.
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So while half the school was at viva la futbol, our women's soccer team was at
diva la futbol!
Was actually considering whether to go for the competition, or forgo it to mug, but now that I've gone for it... come to think of it, what consideration was there to be made? :D Football anytime! :D :D!
We sent in 2 teams - The Mighty Dinosaurs & Jellyfish. Teams named by Debby and Xiu Huan respectively. I was playing for Jellyfish ^^! Xiu Huan originally named the team Yo! Yo! Jellyfish but Debby submitted it as Jellyfish.
The tournament was 6 a side (max 10 players) per team. Our team was running on 6 players per team & Mighy Dinosaurs 7 players. I thought it wouldn't work out because round robin would be potentially very tiring. I think it was more fun this way though, because everybody got more play time and were more familiarized with their roles.
So Jellyfish played a 1 -1 - 2 - 1 formation:
He Qi Clara
Xiu Huan
Ping Ni ( GK )
I have to admit I was super scared at first, and a little hesitant to play stiker. I haven't been playing for about2 months & not only would my fitness have dropped, I'd probably have lost my sharpness in front of goal or potentially any memory of how to kick a ball.
Qualifying Round 1(48 teams)First match: .vs Khaki Busas (or something)They were Malay girls wearing Tudongs & track pants, possibly representing some religious institution. My luck has always been very bad andI was a little frightened of not performing. Felt just like the Purjinke Fibers - a bundle of nerves. But when the match started, eventually found that they really didn't have much experience. Had plenty of shots on target, out of which 2 went in. One of which was a one on one with the keeper. ^_^ yay. Then our defence was very good also, or rather their attack lacked power, Pig really didn't have to do anything.
Final score: Jellyfish 2 - 0 KB
Second Match: .vs Pow WowAccording to TJ who played them earlier, Pow Wow's attack was supposedly very good. Their were slightly better than the previous team. Xiu Huan drove a long shot, to which the keeper got the hand to, I ran up to pressure attempt to poach the rebound, but the keeper fumbled with the ball and let it in herself, so actually this goal should have been counted as an own goal, or Xiu Huan's., definitely not mine. Second goal came from a messy situation at the goal area & Xiu Huan did a very nice backheel into the goal. Quote "I was feeling lazy & didn't want to turn around, so I just back heeled it" YAHRITE. Then I scored one too. (memory fails me)
Final score: 3 - 0
Third Match: .vs TJ team 1TJ won 1 & drew 1, so both our teams had already qualified for the next round. Not sure whether if it was just me, but felt as though there was no real motivation on the pitch. Nonetheless, Tj defenders marked me very tightly and kept touching my shirt (which leads me to the assumption that they think our jersey is nicer than theirs). Only managed one shot on goal which the keeper parried away =/
Final score 0 - 0
Top 2 teams of each group progresses
Mighty dinosaurs won 1 (1-0), and drew 2 ( 0 - 0), putting them joint first of their own group
While Jellyfish topped the group
... now onto the
round of 24Teams were sorted into groups of 3, whereby the top of each group progresses. As Lady Unlucky would have it, jellyfish and mighty dinosaurs got put into the same group. Originally we were hoping our match against each other would be last and that we would do some match fixing so that one of our teams would be through... but after some thought, we decided against it because doing such a thing would simply corrupt the spirit of the game - and we didn't want that.
Match 4: .Vs Mighty DinosaursOur teams played first anyway. This match was difficult because You didn't really want this situation to happen to begin with. Jellyfish was awarded one free kick& Xiu Huan converted it. That was effectively the only goal that Alissa conceded (Alissa was a real good keep.)
Final Score: Jellyfish 1 - 0 Mighty Dinosaurs
The Mighty Dinosaurs then beat the other team 1 - 0. This wasn't easy as the other team was pretty formidable. Julia had a very good opportunity & managed to beat the keeper 1 on 1.
Match 5:Our turn against them. This team was really very rough. Was tripped twice. In fact, those were the only times I got tripped during the tournament. I still have the battlescars of one trip. A draw would have gotten us through, but we still fought hard anyway. Managed to create the space and time for one goal through the right flank. ^^ Yay!
Final Score: Jellyfish 1 - 0 The other team (forgot their name)
So it was us through to the next round.
Top 8! (Quarter finals!)Match 6: .vs Nanyang Girls BNanyang polytechnic. I'll have to admit they were better. They managed to gain an early goal, and after that their coach was really good at using time wasting techniques. Allowing stray balls onto the pitch, having the referee stop the match, when kick ins were taken he'd ask for the player furthest away to take the kick. Got quite annoying. Then again, if we were in their shoes, would probably have employed the same tactics.
Oh well. That marked the end of our journey for us.
Quite a fun & rewarding day overall. I would say our team has come quite some distance since we started.
The thing about football, is that unless your team is imbalancedly good, or the team that you're drawn against aren't quite up to standard, the result is usually beyond control - which is where luck comes in.
I guess for whichever team wants to secure the championship next year, they'd have to train much much harder. (with the exception of VJ & SA because they are already training muchest hardest.)
On Zidane's Headbutt
"The evidence is there for all to see. Zidane is ex Juve. He'd clealry been tapped up to throw the match. Materazzi just reminded him of his obligation and then fell over like a big tart when Zizou wiped the sweat off his forhead on Materazzi's shirt."
Rooney's new nike ad

haven't been blogging because my computer crashed