Mandatory Post Common Test Updates
List of things CT stands for:Cannot Tahan
Cannot Take it
Confirm Terrible
Crazy Teachers
Chemistry Trouble
Cannot Think
Czech Terminated
Classrooms Taken
After CTs slacked around in council room. Listened to Ced and Holoong playing guitar. Haha, asked honloog to play Aerosmith - Don't wanna miss a thing but he couldn't hit some notes so he changed octaves halfway through the song, haha damn funny.
Then went to watch She's the Man with Denise, Cedric, Abhi, Honloong. Haha it's quite a nice show -- just a bit unrealistic & shallow. Still good though. Cineleisure was swarming with rj students. Oh, before that had lunch and stoned at pastamania for half hour to get students discount at 2pm.
After movie, was walking along Orchard road then we went Takashimaya to look for Denise's photo album, but prices were too steep. So we adjourned to the toy department so that Abhi could show us how they sold plastic cups for $56. That's quite amd. Then we played with the toys for a super long time. After that Junli and Wes came to join, Wes for a short while though as he had to go home and watch 7-o-clock-show.
The rest of as bummed around at the fountain area and saw some 24ths shortly after.
I've spent the whole afternoon sleeping, tuned my body to world cup schedules. ^_^! Qiuarter finals start in just a while. Can't wait.
Argentina's up first - but I'm really quite scared because if Faith's prediction were to come true, it would mean that Argentina's going to lose later and I don't want to watch that because it would be heartbreaking.
Side note, the only match I can say I'm genuinely upset with is the Australia - Italy match. I'm very pissed off with what happened.
Video of Italy's training camp:
Also, another picture that's been circulating online:

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