Jalan Besar Stadium (mirrored from soccer blog)
When I went to collect your tickets for the Singapore Cup final the other day I went to Jalan Besar to collect them. This is by far the best local stadium I've been to.
Jalan Besar Stadium! I don't know the guy there, just some random passerby ruining my shot.
I was ogling at the pitch from the glass doors, when the man who was working there opened the door and asked if we would like to see the pitch. Wow it was so cool!

Look at the grass! It's STRIPED! and UNTOUCHED and THE GRASS. THE GRASS. THE GRASS! Ok lah, but its fake grass.

Then I asked the man if I could touch the grass, and he was ok with it as long as we didn't ruin it.

Then proceeded to check out the benches and sit around in them for a while. Was quite fun.

And there's this yellow line over there, which I found very amusing. The shots not good, but what it really says is:

This is the view of the seats. AND ALL THE SEATS ARE LIKE REAL SEATS WOOT (not like usual grandstands at non vip areas). SO COOL

And this is on whats on the floor behind the seats :)!

Then saw this sign left around somewhere.

With that, decided to explore the inside of the building. They had models of the tiger cup shirt

This is the back of the tiger cup shirt

And this is the statue of S league.

Then we decided to sneak to the back and got a glimpse of the changing rooms which were really nothing much. This is the ref's changing room. The hallway to the changing rooms are really very dark when the light's are unlit though.
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